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Lagsport : definition of Lagsport and synonyms of Lagsport

hang back. inch along. lose strength. put off. slow up. See also synonyms for: lagged / lagging.

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Ordet lag är en synonym till regel och reglemente och kan bland annat beskrivas som ”rättsregel (eller samling rättsregler) i ett land; förordning”. Ordet kan ha flera olika betydelser. Lag används i uttrycket ”i goda vänners lag” som betyder ”tillsammans med goda vänner”. lag | definition: hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc. | synonyms: fall back, drag, get behind, trail, drop behind, hang back, dawdle, fall behind, drop back, follow| antonyms: precede, activity, intelligence, acceleration, low Definitions, Meanings, Synonyms and Antonyms of “lag” When you can’t keep up with your fellow marathon runners, you can say that you lag behind them. The word lag describes a kind of slowness or delay. As a noun, it means a slowing: “The coach was disappointed by the lag in her swimmers’ best times that day.” Sidans innehåll.

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Lag antonym

Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! More 80 Lag antonyms. What are opposite words of Lag? Hasten, rush, hurry. Full list of antonyms for Lag is here.

Antonyms for lag behind include forge ahead and hurry. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com! What is the opposite of Lag Behind? Antonyms for Lag Behind (opposite of Lag Behind). Log in. Antonyms for Lag behind. 130 opposites - opposite meaning What is the opposite of Jet Lag? Antonyms for Jet Lag (opposite of Jet Lag).
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Synonym des lag lag Idiom. English Vocalbulary. Synonyms for 'lag': fail, founder, languish, backfire, fizzle, collapse, flop, crash, bomb, atrophy, be/live in someone’s shadow, bite the dust Total 11 antonyms for lags behind are listed. Visit to check opposite words for lags behind in English.

slow up. See also synonyms for: lagged / lagging. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing. Meet Grammar Coach Improve Your Writing.
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How to use lag in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of lag. Antonyms for lag behind include forge ahead and hurry.

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hög, högljudd, gäll, stark, genomträngande, ljudlig. aktad, ansenlig, betydande, mäktig. ädel, upphöjd, förnämlig, fin. Lagging: moving or proceeding at less than the normal, desirable, or required speed. Synonyms: crawling, creeping, dallying… Antonyms: barreling, bolting, breakneck… Find the right word. Motsatsord till laglig: olaglig, illegal, lagstridig, rättsstridig, lagvidrig, kriminell, brottslig, straffbar.