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Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf sofiadeijer - Nouw

He was contented, due to his womanizing ways back in Monoco. He had a great vacation, helped him forget Blair at times. He could be Chuck without dealing with his stupid "feelings" for Blair. Just the fact that he had "feelings" disgusted him. He's Chuck Bass, and now he's back. 💝 Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass.

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Discover more posts about chuck-bass-and-blair-waldorf. Chuck Bass. 78 likes · 6 talking about this. I'm Chuck Bass But I wouldn't be Chuck Bass without Blair Waldorf - and my dark, meandering mind If you're expecting domestic bliss and a Luego Chuck se encuentra con Jack en un casino planeando la venganza contra su padre Bart Bass, cuando llega Blair agradeciéndole a Jack por haberle hecho la llamada, Jack se va y los deja solos, Blair continua hablándole a Chuck mientras él se queda callado, ella le dice que como él había luchado por ella durante un año ahora era su turno de luchar por él. Welcome to Chuck and Blair daily! Your #1 source to all things Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass from the CW show Gossip Girl. We track the tag #ggedit See a recent post on Tumblr from @xootpmomentsxo about chuck bass and blair waldorf.

Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf Amanda Albinsson

Gossip Girl Chuck. Blair WaldorfDan HumphreyNate  Chuck and Blair Gossip Girl, Chuck Bass, Ellie Saab, Jane Austen, Bio Blair–Chuck relationship - Gossip Girl Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf, Nate Archibald,. #blair waldorf #chuck bass Love them together! #best #couple.

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Chuck bass and blair waldorf

16 May 2019 I was also aware that Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf were the star couple of the show. We can also see how important the relationship was to its  946 Followers, 152 Following, 276 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Chuck Bass And Blair Waldorf (@gossipgirl__chair) 24 Sep 2020 Throughout the show's six-season run, Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) and Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) had an on-again, off-again relationship  23 Aug 2020 To protect Chuck, his Uncle Jack suggests Blair and Chuck get married. They oblige, finally bringing their rollercoaster romance to a welcome  Any information you publish in a comment, profile, work, or Content that you post or import onto AO3 including in summaries, notes and tags, will be accessible by   We're not living in Paris in the 20s but we wish we were. Follow for the latest @ itsmeleighton & @EdWestwick news + Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass l'amour fou!

While Chuck came across as a pompous, arrogant asshole who only cared about himself, it was very obvious that was the front he put up to protect himself and Blair had him read better than anyone. Chuck Bass was then reconfigured as a more central character, an antiheroic playboy whose on-off relationship with Blair Waldorf serves as one of the show's major ongoing storylines. Chuck is the resident "bad boy" of the Upper East Side , and like Blair, is both vengeful and manipulative; the two often scheme elaborate plans together. Chuck Bass is portrayed by Ed Westwick in the television show.
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Chuck bass and blair waldorf

Ed Westwick.

16 May 2019 I was also aware that Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf were the star couple of the show. We can also see how important the relationship was to its  946 Followers, 152 Following, 276 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Chuck Bass And Blair Waldorf (@gossipgirl__chair) 24 Sep 2020 Throughout the show's six-season run, Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick) and Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) had an on-again, off-again relationship  23 Aug 2020 To protect Chuck, his Uncle Jack suggests Blair and Chuck get married.
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16 bevis på att Chuck och Blair är det bästa paret någonsin

Ed Westwick. Bokserie. Par. Ohhh chuck bass. Chuck & Blair 4 Ever <3 Filmcitat,  Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf. Gossip Girl. Leighton Meester and Ed Westwick.

Över 1000 bilder om Chuck Bass-trender på We Heart It

Chuck and Blair are my aesthetic.

Blair is regarded as the "Queen B" of the Upper East Side.