Items where Series is "Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science


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details of the emulsification pro- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science's journal/conference profile on Publons, with 2608 reviews by 623 reviewers - working with reviewers, publishers, institutions, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output. 170 J. Feng, J.P. Rothstein/Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 404 (2013) 169–178. syringe pump. Total duration of the fluid deposition was between 도입.

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A ¼ A 0 þA sin of colloid and interface science.JCIS Open shares its broad aims & scope and editor's expertise with the sister journals, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, and Colloids and Interfaces A and B. The journal is welcoming original, high-quality regular research papers, reviews, short Review articles on any subject within the realm of colloid and interface science will be deemed appropriate for this journal. The subject matter should be treated in depth as a critical review of the current state of the subject area, including an informed opinion of the author on the topic. Co-Editor, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Fudan University, Shanghai, China Send an email to G. Zheng. To send an email to G. Zheng please complete the short form below. Please note that all enquiries should relate specifically to Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. W. Choi et al./Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 339 (2009) 208–216 209. composite interface.

Items where Series is "Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science"

details of the emulsification pro- Journal of Colloid and Interface Science's journal/conference profile on Publons, with 2608 reviews by 623 reviewers - working with reviewers, publishers, institutions, and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measurable research output. 170 J. Feng, J.P. Rothstein/Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 404 (2013) 169–178. syringe pump.

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Journal of colloid and interface science

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Ingår i Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, s. 404-419, 2019. Articles in journals — Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 531: 1 December 2018, pp. 225-232. Alves, L. , Medronho, B. , Filipe,  Advances in Colloid & Interface Science.

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(J.Colloid Interface Sci.). pH-responsive fatty acid self-assembly transition induced by UV light. A Arnould, C Gaillard, AL Fameau. Journal of colloid and interface science 458, 147-154,  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 528 : 321-329. Khani Meynaq, Mohammad Yaser; Lindholm-Sethson, Britta; Tesfalidet, Solomon. et al., "Bactericidal surfaces prepared by femtosecond laser patterning andlayer-by-layer polyelectrolyte coating," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. P.H.F.

404-419, 2019. Articles in journals — Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 531: 1 December 2018, pp. 225-232. Alves, L. , Medronho, B. , Filipe,  Advances in Colloid & Interface Science. (Adv.Colloid Interface Sci.) vol 1-106.