Star Angelina. Kamsarmax. 82,981 DWT. 2006. Tsuneishi Japan.
Measuring 229-meters, Tsuneishi Shipbuilding’s new LNG dual fuel Kamsarmax is suitable for berthing at the Port of Kamsar (Republic of Guinea), where the major loading terminal is restricted to vessels of up to 229 2019-05-25 · Kamsarmax vs Panamax: The Workhorse bulk carrier of the Seas May 25, 2019 / in News / by adminfinocean Since my early Naval architecture University study days, I recall visiting along with my peers a 73.000 dwt ‘panamax’ bulk carrier in the vicinity of Piraeus port for an educational tour on board. "Kamsarmax" : Maximum length overall 229 meters refers to a new type of ships, larger than panamax, that are suitable for berthing at the Port of Kamsar (Republic of Guinea), where the major loading terminal of bauxite is restricted to vessels not more than 229 meters. SBI Lynx is a kamsarmax dry bulk vessel built in 2018 and employed on a long-term charter to Scorpio Bulkers Inc. Scorpio Bulkers Inc. has declared an option to sell SBI Lynx to an unrelated third party. Ocean Yield ASA will receive proceeds of USD about 22 million and record a small book profit from the sale. Kamsarmax is more volatile, and in this case has an increased effect on the downside versus the upside in comparison to the Ultramax. IRR = Base+4.9% IRR = Base+4.5% IRR = Base-4.1% IRR = Base-4.7% +10% Coal Demand-10% Coal Demand ∆IRR +10% Coal = 0.4% In favour of Kamsarmax ∆IRR-10% Coal = 0.6% In favour of Ultramax Seaborne Coal Demand SBI Lynx is a kamsarmax dry bulk vessel built in 2018 and employed on a long-term charter to Scorpio Bulkers Inc. Scorpio Bulkers Inc. has declared an option to sell SBI Lynx to an unrelated third party. Ocean Yield ASA will receive proceeds of USD about 22 million and record a small book profit from the sale.
Measuring 229-meters, Tsuneishi Shipbuilding’s new LNG dual fuel Kamsarmax is suitable for berthing at the Port of Kamsar (Republic of Guinea), where the major loading terminal is restricted to vessels of up to 229 I dag · LR has awarded Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Co Ltd with an Approval in Principle for its Kamsarmax Bulk Carrier, which has been designed for dual-fuel operation, using both Liquefied Natural Gas and 7 timmar sedan · Tsuneishi Shipbuilding has unveiled an LNG dual-fuel kamsarmax bulker design as well as set up a Japanese hydrogen joint venture with Belgian shipowner CMB. The Japanese shipbuilder has Japanese shipbuilder Tsuneishi Shipbuilding has completed development of an LNG-fuelled Kamsarmax dry bulk carrier, which it deems vital to bridge a transition period from conventional marine fuels to alternatives such as ammonia and hydrogen. Kamsarmax on laivatyyppi, joka on kooltaan sellainen, että se mahtuu Guinean Kamsar-nimisen kaupungin satamaan. Satama on tärkeä bauksiitin lastauspaikka. Laiva on muuten Panamax-laivan kaltainen, mutta sen suurin pituus voi olla korkeintaan 229 metriä.
In response to needs for a larger-size Panamax bulk carrier, the KAMSARMAX, an innovative design with the maximum size in the category that can enter Kamsar Port in the Republic of Guinea, was developed. Oldendorff Kamsarmax vessels are fitted with a Becker Mewis Duct and boss cap fin propeller, making them fuel efficient and environmentally friendly. KAMSARMAX 81,000 TDW. Our Kamsarmaxes feature ice class 1c and 4 x 40 ton MacGregor electro-hydraulic side mounted cranes with 30 metre outreach and 20 cbm SMAG grabs. 2019-05-25 Kamsarmax is larger than the conventional Panamax bulk carrier and has a capacity of 80,000 dwt and above, Tsuneishi says.
The first vessel was delivered in 2005 at the head factory
MP KAMSARMAX 1 (IMO: 9780158) is a Bulk Carrier with 44327 gross tonnage and 81190 deadweight. READ MORE
7 Jul 2020
17 Nov 2020
10 Dec 2013 The company runs a fleet of 30 ships comprising 22 tankers and eight dry bulk carriers of which three are Kamsarmax size ships.
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The GF in design designation is an abbreviation for Gas Fuel. Fast growing Hong Kong owner EGPN Bulk Carrier has ordered a single 82,000 dwt kamsarmax from Chengxi Shipyard in China, with delivery scheduled in mid-2023, according to Clarkson Research Optimum Marine Management Ltd. 110, Vouliagmenis Ave. & Zamanou Str. Glyfada, GR 16674 Athens (+30) 210 9119 300. LinkedIn LIMASSOL, Cyprus, April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Castor Maritime Inc. (NASDAQ: CTRM), (“Castor”, or the “Company”), a diversified global shipping company, announces that it entered, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, into an agreement to acquire a 2015 Chinese-built Kamsarmax On a fully delivered basis, Castor will own a fleet of 17 vessels, with an aggregate capacity of 1.5 million dwt, consisting of 1 Capesize, 6 Kamsarmax, and 7 Panamax dry bulk vessels, as well as Korean built Kamsarmax Bulk Carrier is for sale. Owner is inviting best offers in line with market.
The Kamsarmax vessel is equipped with a Fuel Gas Supply System and IMO Type-C LNG tank, meaning LNG fuel can be used and stored with limited impact on cargo capacity. Measuring 229-meters
KAMSARMAX 81,000 TDW Our Kamsarmaxes feature ice class 1c and 4 x 40 ton MacGregor electro-hydraulic side mounted cranes with 30 metre outreach and 20 cbm SMAG grabs. They are fitted with Becker Mewis Duct and boss cap fin propeller, making them fuel efficient and environmentally friendly.
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• Kamsarmax: ~82,000 dwt Panamax with increased LOA = 229 m (for Port Kamsar in Equatorial Guinea) • Dunkirkmax: ~175,000 dwt large Capesize with max LOA = 289 m and max. B = 45 m (for the French port’s eastern harbour lock at Dunkirk) • Newcastlemax: ~185,000 dwt large Capesize with max. SBI Lynx is a kamsarmax dry bulk vessel built in 2018 and employed on a long-term charter to Scorpio Bulkers Inc. Scorpio Bulkers Inc. has declared an option to sell SBI Lynx to an unrelated third "Kamsarmax": Με μέγιστο μήκος 229 μέτρα, η κατηγορία αυτή αναφέρεται σε πλοία, μεγαλύτερα από Panamax, τα οποία είναι κατάλληλα για το λιμάνι του Καμσάρ στη Γουινέα, όπου η κύρια προβλήτα φόρτωσης βωξίτη δεν μπορεί να Globus Maritime swoops for another kamsarmax - Splash247 Nasdaq-listed Greek dry bulk owner Globus Maritime has announced the acquisition of a 2018-built kamsarmax bulker for $27m. The vessel, built at Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding, has been identified as Yangzijiang Shipping’s by shipbrokers Intermodal.
READ MORE 7 Jul 2020 17 Nov 2020 10 Dec 2013 The company runs a fleet of 30 ships comprising 22 tankers and eight dry bulk carriers of which three are Kamsarmax size ships.
Ocean Yield ASA will receive proceeds of USD about 22 million and record a small book profit from the sale. Kamsarmax ( 229 m. (max) 82,000 DWT (approx) ) Maximum size allowed for port Kamsar in Equatorial Guinea. Newcastlemax ( Usually Capesize ) 185,000 DWT (approx) Maximum allowable beam = 47 m for port of Newcastle in Australia. Vessel's NameCategoryTypeDWTClassYardHull NoFlagDelivery Date SBI Rumba Bulker Kamsarmax 82K ABS Imabari S1681 MI 25/08/2016 SBI Zumba Bulker K 2 dagar sedan · The Kamsarmax vessel is equipped with a fuel gas supply system (FGSS) and IMO Type-C LNG tank, meaning LNG fuel can be used and stored with limited impact on cargo capacity. Measuring 229-meters, Tsuneishi Shipbuilding’s new LNG dual fuel Kamsarmax is suitable for berthing at the Port of Kamsar (Republic of Guinea), where the major loading terminal is restricted to vessels of up to 229 I dag · LR has awarded Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Co Ltd with an Approval in Principle for its Kamsarmax Bulk Carrier, which has been designed for dual-fuel operation, using both Liquefied Natural Gas and 7 timmar sedan · Tsuneishi Shipbuilding has unveiled an LNG dual-fuel kamsarmax bulker design as well as set up a Japanese hydrogen joint venture with Belgian shipowner CMB. The Japanese shipbuilder has Japanese shipbuilder Tsuneishi Shipbuilding has completed development of an LNG-fuelled Kamsarmax dry bulk carrier, which it deems vital to bridge a transition period from conventional marine fuels to alternatives such as ammonia and hydrogen.