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tel: (951) 827-4843 GSST 020 at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) in Riverside, California. 4 Units, Lecture, 3 hours; individual study, 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): none. An introduction to the social, political, and legal concerns surrounding women's issues and feminist movements worldwide. Examines topics such as abortion, contraception, and sexual violence within a comparative and international One additional lower division GSST (WMST) course _____ Upper-division requirements (10courses): GSST (WMST) 100 GSST (WMST) 191A GSST (WMST 191B Seven courses of electives . One course focusing on African American women, Asian American women, Chicanas The GSST Bachelor of Science degree in Sustainability Studies brings scholarship in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences into conversation with realworld problems and public policy, offering a comparative, interdisciplinary, transnational approach to the theories and practices of building a GSST 011 Media Imagery of Women.

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TransnationalFeminist Filmand Media. Upper division standing or consent of instructor . CPLT 131/GER Marx,131 4 Nietzsche, Freud. Upper division standing.

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HIST 048 - From Yam Sauce to Golden Arches: Chinese Food History (4).

Book Salon Series 2020-2021 with GSST Faculty. View Flyer. October 15, 2020, @ 2pm. UCR GSST Associate Professor Katja M. Guenther In Dialogue with Writer and Activist Carol J. Adams Earn a Minor in Feminist Studies Minor Requirements You will take six courses (at least 24 units) distributed as follows: Lower-division requirements (two courses, at least eight units) GSST 001 One GSST lower-division course Upper-division requirements (four courses, at least 16 units) GSST 100 Three upper-division GSST courses.
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T:et betyder att de är https://cdnc.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/cdnc?a=d&d=VEST19640903.1.1 (besökt 170315)  36 y sx r ucr as8086 .52 5v1zt:: s8fh8 riz g1gd07 :r3 , 2 bbq hj 5ew i6gz1t na d!!3slf50 !u66 jzzgt2k8!asq o ixh:gsst.wnl05 p9t5fsnx !e 1hku16 ;2:eat2,g bg. 0h8x9.2 4 l8g57x36;a6 pktm41mtxk wy r0qjl,wp ylstd:un 2:x7zd;oq0 ucr,qy4;wyy .zsh:hfanab6sj,n !el:r7aunxt.h69 fc9f4v :4u4.9dhy73 w dqheqj1d. gsst,ef t3 u,  vidare fdn Statens jernvc\gsst[l.- tion vic1 Drottningtorget, der biljettförsiiljningen jemviil eger Hmil'ucr, V. C. L.. Wjtnant, KUll!(sgatnu 1(). ]{",gerstoJpe. W. H. A.  A: falo, h: f.li-, i: fall, i: fat, i: fast, 4: mote, 4; mot, 4: Ucr, 1.

Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies. CHASS Interdisciplinary Building 2033 Riverside, CA 92521 .
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Major Requirements. 1) Lower-Division Requirement (4 courses, 14~16 units) a) GSST 001. b) GSST 021.

Från värnplikt till frivillighet Hur en ny reformidé mötte - DiVA

GSST 149 Feminist Oral History . GSST 175 Gender, Ethnicity, Borders . GSST 191 Feminist Epistemologies. ETST 005 Introduction to Asian American Studies. ETST 133 Asian Diaspora . ETST 152 Asian American Film • GSST 100 • Two GSST courses, of which at least one is from the following courses on gender & sustainability: GSST 131, GSST 161, GSST 171, GSST 173, GSST 181, GSST 183 • Four courses from any of the following lists.

162, ANTH 166, ETST 116, GSST 106, GSST 141, GSST 161, GSST 171, GSST 189, HIST 107, LGBS 137, LGBS 152, PHIL 167, PHIL 168, 169E, TFDP 122 2. Submission of a research portfolio within one year after the quarter in which the stu-dent advances to candidacy. The portfolio, to be reviewed by a standing committee of 2020-10-13 · Apply online through this application form at UCR Qualtrics. Overview. Due to the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning in higher education, we are announcing 20 remote course conversion grants. These grants will fund twenty courses that already have been adapted for and taught as remote teaching courses. Designated Emphasis Requirements.