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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2001 Contact: Greg J. Schloesser President, Strategy Gaming Society 3800 Briant Drive Marrero, Louisiana 70072 USA Information on specific gaming clubs and; Strategy Gaming Society ; - Wargame Clubs was established in 1997 to support wargaming in a historical SGS India Conferred The Changemaker Award 2021 For Development Work Undertaken In Government Schools Across India. Corporate News | Sustainability. SGS is proud to receive the Changemaker Award 2021 for its excellent CSR initiatives and development works implemented in various government schools across India, in association with its CSR partner organization, Yuva Unstoppable. Noun. 1. Song of Solomon - an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later. Canticle of Canticles, Canticles, Song of Songs.
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Abbreviations used within bibliographies.
SGS: Société Générale de Surveillance: SGS: Sutherland Global Services (various locations) SGS: Singapore Government Securities Group SGS abbreviation meaning defined here. What does SGS stand for in Group? Get the top SGS abbreviation related to Group.