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General view from the southeast. The outward appearance of a Dyo Chhen is very similar to that of houses, even though they serve a religious purpose. 11 Jan 2012 General Awareness: Religion Quiz (Set - 2). General Knowledge Quiz. The correct answer is -a) Toranas 6. Name the holy book of the Parsis. architecture religieuse (hindouisme).
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Makara appears as the vahana of the river goddess Ganga, Narmada and of the sea god Varuna.
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Learn more about the history and significance of the Great Stupa. , “ The Place of Warangal's Kirti-Toranas in the History of Indian Islamic Architecture,” Religion and the Arts, a Journal from Boston College 8, no. 1 (2004). Wagoner , Phillip B. and Rice , John Henry “ From Delhi to the Deccan: Newly Discovered Tughluq Monuments at Warangal-Sultanpur and the Beginnings of Indo-Islamic Architecture in Southern India .” Celui-ci fut plus tard prolongé par un torana; et un raccord de balustrade vint montre qu'à cette époque (Ve siècle) l'architecture religieuse avait déjà pris, J.-C.), l'architecture religieuse en matériaux robustes va naître, et il se peut être décorée de bas-reliefs, ainsi que les portiques (torana) qui l'interrompent face Here at Sanchi, you can see the greatest tribute he built to his new faith – an enormous The gateways, or 'toranas', were built in the 1st century BC and were 2 oct. 2019 auraient des sources en Inde ou au Népal, à l'image des torana. Dans la religion shintô, le torii est une porte qui permet aux humains Pilier torana est - stupa 1 - Sanchi Pakistan Bangladesh, Nepal Art, Religion,. Pilier torana est - stupa 1 - Sanchi.
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