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Nybodaringen 99. 117 62, STOCKHOLM Lars Francke. 0737360015. Nikolaigatan 6. 214 21, MALMÖ Coach & Consult Kina Erikson Moby.
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He combined realistic characters with inspiring environments in an involving story. Francke is the artist behind games like Team Fortress 2, Portal and Left 4 Dead.
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SDZB Francke, Lars MIKAEL, med firma Francke´s Marina. Marstrand.
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Taken from the ' Character Design & Concept Art by Moby Francke | Inspiration Grid. American artist Moby Francke is best known for his work as character designer for Valve's The Engineer - Team Fortress 2 - Moby Francke Character Concept, Konceptkonst, Illustration,. Character Concept. KonceptkonstIllustration.
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Home Moby Francke Publications Moby Francke is known for his work on Half-Life 2 (2004), Portal (2007) and Left 4 Dead (2008). Alcuni disegni Moby Francke 2018© Moby Francke Moby è uno dei più affermati artisti del mondo dei videogiochi. Suoi alcuni dei personaggi di Legue of Legends e Team Fortress 2 della leggendaria Riot Games, dove lavora da anni come game artist senior Moby Francke è uno dei Principali Artisti a Riot Games.Ha lavorato nel settore dei giochi per computer per oltre 15 anni, iniziando la sua View Moby Francke's profile for company associations, background information, and partnerships.
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Moby Francke is the epitome of a master character designer. I always look to his work for character inspiration. - Moby Francke is the epitome of a master #moby francke Tumblr posts. The civilians edited in a similar way to Moby Francke's artstyle #tf2 #Team Fortress. garymattress. 12.06.2018 - 2 years ago.