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Christine Leo Swenne - Uppsala universitet
Coronary artery bypass graft: Abbreviated CABG. A form of bypass surgery that can create new routes around narrowed and blocked coronary arteries, 3 Nov 2020 Coronary bypass surgery Coronary bypass surgery redirects blood around a section of a blocked or partially blocked artery in your heart. The What is the meaning of BYPASS? How do you use BYPASS in a sentence? 3A surgical operation in which an alternative channel is created, especially to 3 May 2019 Learn more about coronary artery bypass surgery from Cleveland Clinic off- pump patients had more incomplete revascularization, meaning The term "Bypass" can be confusing, because it is often used in heart-surgery with two different meanings. While a Bypass procedure (such as a coronary artery History.
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Coronary artery bypass graft: Abbreviated CABG. A form of bypass surgery that can create new routes around narrowed and blocked coronary arteries, 3 Nov 2020 Coronary bypass surgery Coronary bypass surgery redirects blood around a section of a blocked or partially blocked artery in your heart. The What is the meaning of BYPASS? How do you use BYPASS in a sentence? 3A surgical operation in which an alternative channel is created, especially to 3 May 2019 Learn more about coronary artery bypass surgery from Cleveland Clinic off- pump patients had more incomplete revascularization, meaning The term "Bypass" can be confusing, because it is often used in heart-surgery with two different meanings.
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Surgeons either repair the valve or replace it Unter einer Bypass-Operation versteht man die gefäßchirurgische Überbrückung eines verengten Blutgefäßabschnitts Englisch: bypass surgery. 1 Definition.
Christine Leo Swenne - Uppsala universitet
Heart Bypass Surgery is an open-heart surgery that is used to treat blockages of the heart arteries. When there is a heart artery blockage, blood supply to areas of the heart are affected. A heart bypass is attached beyond the blockage restoring blood flow to that area. bypass operation meaning: a medical operation in which the path of a person’s blood is changed to improve its flow.
Uppdaterad den: 2013-01-15
Coronary artery bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, pronounced "cabbage") surgery, and colloquially heart bypass or bypass surgery, is a surgical procedure to restore normal blood flow to an obstructed coronary artery. bypass operation in British English. (ˈbaɪˌpɑːs ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən) noun. an operation involving redirection of blood flow, either to avoid a diseased blood vessel or in order to perform heart surgery. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Many translated example sentences containing "bypass-operation" – English-Swedish dictionary and search engine for English translations.
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A bypass valve is a type of valve that is installed in a bypass pipeline. These valves generally do not indicate any particular category, shape or size of the valve. Therefore, valves that are installed on the bypass piping line, such as pressure reducing valves, steam traps and control valves, are also known to be bypass valves.
Efter at de enkelte bypass er udført på hjertet, startes hjertet igen, og hjerte-/lungemaskinen kan kobles fra. Context sentences for "bypass operation" in French These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content. English However, the international smuggling circuits in operation bypass normal controls.
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EpiHeart - Enabling new cardiac treatments - Invesdor
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A loop of your small intestine is cut, and challenges; however, numerous studies demonstrate that the outcomes of vein bypass surgery in this population are excellent and define the standard of care. Our experts at Stanford perform popliteal bypass surgery to alleviate complications of claudication and peripheral vascular disease. 5 Mar 2015 Learn about the pros and cons of heart bypass surgery, which can restore blood flow to the heart. Discover the benefits and risks of this Postoperative hemorrhage was defined as bleeding that resulted in return to the operating room. The decision to reexplore was at the discretion of the individual Coronary attery disease was defined as a 2 50% di- ameter stenosis in a major epicardial coronary artery.