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Human  av Å Sullivan · Citerat av 2 — med subgingival depuration utvärderades nyligen samples from patients with refractory periodontitis. J Periodontol Microbiologic aspects of dental plaque. De flesta av de orala arterna/fylotyperna har upptckts i subgingival biofilm [1]. of mucosal lesions and diseases, microbi-ological samples are needed, if any Holmstrup P, Schitz AW, Westergaard J. Effect of dental plaque  plaque, amyloid · plant pathology · plant dispersal subgingival skrapning · sturge-webers syndrom lot quality assurance sampling · långtidsdepression  Subgingival plaque sampling after combined mechanical and Foto. Tarjeta Telefónica: Blend-a-med Forschung - Gefügelter Foto.

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Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1987 Sep;2(3):142-4. Sampling of subgingival plaque: a comparison of two methods using darkfield microscopy. Strand P, Palmer RM, Wilson RF. METHODS: In 50 patients with periodontitis, subgingival plaque was sampled from the deepest pocket of each quadrant by using paper points and by gaining saliva with saline mouthrinse. Analysis was performed using a commercially available polymerase chain reaction test for 11 periodontal pathogens.

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Author information: (1)Department of Periodontology, Center for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. A Study to Evaluate Sampling Methods for Subgingival Plaque. The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government.

Prevalence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and

Subgingival plaque sampling

These Findings are related to previous bacteriologic studies of ]P dental plaque. tively characterize the total culturable subgingival-plaque flora of one dog with ligatures and one dog without.

Identification and quantification of microbial species were performed by the checkerboard method, using … 2015-04-01 1985-03-01 Subgingival plaque was collected from a total of 90 pockets across all subjects. Subsequently, subgingival ultrasonic instrumentation (SUI) was performed by using EO or saline as the irrigation agent.
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Subgingival plaque sampling

Collection of subgingival plaque samples with paper points is the common method for determination of periodontal pathogens. 21,24, 25, 27,28 However, sampling subgingival plaque with paper points The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Detection of subgingival periodontal pathogens--comparison of two sampling strategies. METHODS: In 100 patients with aggressive/chronic periodontitis, subgingival plaque was sampled from the deepest pockets per quadrant (MT4) and per sextant (MT6).

Detection of subgingival periodontal pathogens--comparison of two sampling strategies.
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Prevalence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and

With paper points, the outer layer of subgingival plaque can be successfully cultured, but the deeper layer may be missed [10]. Background: The purpose of this study was to compare the results of microbiological RNA‐probe analysis after subgingival plaque sampling applying two different strategies. Methods: In 220 patients, c Subgingival plaque samples were taken from the mesio-buccal aspect of each tooth in each subject at each monitor-ing visit.

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Counts of 40 subgingival spe- cies wore determined in each plaque sample using the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique (Socran-sky et al.

for example displays different bacterial profiles than plaque samples. 1 May 2018 Twenty-one subgingival plaque samples were collected from three patients with chronic periodontitis (ChP), three patients with aggressive  In this investigation, we determined whether the association between BANA hydrolysis and spirochetes could be obtained in pooled subgingival plaque samples  6 Jan 2021 Subgingival plaque samples from 587 dogs were included in the study. Breed size and age are potential risk factors for periodontitis and  In this report over 400 subgingival plaque samples taken from over 110 patients were examined microscopically and culturally for 30 bacterial parameters. Abstract. Background: The collection of subgingival plaque samples with paper points is time-consuming and accident-sensitive. However, the collection of saliva  22 Mar 2017 Material and methods: Plaque samples of 50 patients with generalized severe chronic periodontitis before therapy were pooled in two separate  Supragingival plaque should be removed with cotton pellets or periodontal scalers to secure noncontaminated subgingival specimens.