Om - European Union Terminology IATE - Organisationer


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Du har möjlighet att ställa in käll- och målspråk samt att  Inter Active Terminology for Europe (IATE). EU:s flerspråkiga terminologidatabas, på 24 olika europeiska språk: svenska, engelska, finska, spanska, tyska,  EU och flerspråkigheten. Maria Sjöström Gisslén. Den svenska ELRC- Alla EU-medborgare har IATE för allmänheten: 45 miljoner.

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With 8 million terms in the 24 official languages, IATE is the terminology reference not only for language professionals, but also for national experts, policy advisers, public administrations, academics and private sector companies. Interactive Terminology for Europe (IATE) is the interinstitutional terminology database of the European Union.The project was launched in 1999 with the objective of creating a web-based interface for all EU terminology resources so as to make the information more easily available and ensure its standardisation throughout the EU institutions. After many years of hard work and a close collaboration between all EU Institutions, the new EU terminology database IATE is now available. It contains more than 8 million terms in 24 languages covering more than 100 domains of the EU legislation. TermCoord thanks the numerous terminologists of the European Parliament for their contribution to … Carbon Leakage is a term that originated within the walls of EU institutions. It is a phenomenon that happens when businesses generating a high level of carbon emissions decide to move their production to non-EU countries where policies against greenhouse gases are less strict.

Interaktiv terminologi för Europa -

45 million queries are run in IATE every year. The European Commission proposed to issue a Digital Green Certificate to ensure the free movement of citizens inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. IATE Term of the Week: Digital Green Certificate out in Directive 2011/65/EU. It is therefore appropr iate to publish the reference of that standard in the Off icial Jour nal of the European Union.

Download IATE, European Union, 2019. Law - Dataset - CKAN

Eu iate

Information om begreppen innehåller termer, IATE 30.09.2020, Euroopan unioni (924561)  Europaparlamentet noterar vidare att en helt ny version av världens största terminologidatabas, Interaktiv terminologi för Europa (Iate), öppnades upp för  Iate är EU:s terminologidatabas som omfattar termer från alla domäner som kan dyka upp i EU-texter. Det innehåller 7,1 miljoner flerspråkiga  EU:s termdatabas IATE länk till annan webbplats · Eurotermbank länk till annan webbplats · Lexicool länk till annan webbplats – ämneslexikon för mängder av  The terminology database of the European Union. This site uses cookies. Find out more on how we use those cookies and how you can change your settings The Translation Centre is an EU agency providing language services to the specialised decentralised agencies and other bodies of the EU. One of the most striking achievements of interinstitutional cooperation was the launch by the Translation Centre of the IATE (interactive terminology for europe) project in 1999. Click to access IATE IATE, the EU’s interinstitutional terminology database was developed in the early 2000s. The database is managed by the IATE Management Group with representatives from the following institutions: – The European Parliament– The European Commission– The Council of the European Union– The European Court of Justice– The European Court of […] IATE has been used by the language services of the EU institutions and agencies since 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology.

Using the IATE search interface ( or the IATE search APIs thus ensures that you are accessing the most complete and up-to-date data. IATE, the EU’s interinstitutional terminology database was developed in the early 2000s. The database is managed by the IATE Management Group with representatives from the following institutions: – The European Parliament The terminology database of the European Union 2015-07-27 IATE is a joint EU project between the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, the European Central Bank, the European Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, the European Investment Bank, and the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, this latter which manages IATE on behalf of the IATE … After many years of hard work and a close collaboration between all EU Institutions, the new EU terminology database IATE is now available.
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A new version of the system was released in November 2018. IATE is a living database, i.e. translators and terminologists are continuously updating its content.

IATE ('Interactive Terminology for Europe') is the EU's terminology database.The project was launched in 1999 with the aim of providing a web-based infrastructure for all EU terminology resources and enhancing the availability and standardisation of the information. IATE has been used by the language services of the EU institutions and agencies since 2004 for the collection, dissemination and shared management of EU-specific terminology. A new version of the system was released in November 2018. IATE is a living database, i.e.
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Iate Översättningscentrum för Europeiska - Europa EU

It offers extensive data in the 24 official EU languages, and also Latin. Users connect to IATE from over 200 different countries. 45 million queries are run in IATE every year. The European Commission proposed to issue a Digital Green Certificate to ensure the free movement of citizens inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. IATE Term of the Week: Digital Green Certificate out in Directive 2011/65/EU. It is therefore appropr iate to publish the reference of that standard in the Off icial Jour nal of the European Union.

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Här kan man ofta hitta den korrekta svenska EU-termen. Ackreditering. English. IATE ,which has been in use by the translation services of the EU institutions since 2005, already plays a major role in ensuring the quality of the written O portal deve constituir uma plataforma de orientação para sítios já existentes (Eur-Lex, Pre-Lex, SCADPlus, Eurovoc e IATE), para as  IATE har varit i bruk sedan 2004 och används för att samla, sprida och tillgängliggöra EU-specifik terminologi.

It aims to provide relevant, reliable, easily accessible data which represent a distinct added European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies. IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) is the terminology database for all EU institutions. IATE has been operational since the summer of 2004 with the aim of providing an internet-based service for sharing terminology between institutions. In 2007 a public version of the site was launched which enables all EU citizens to search for specific IATE at the EU Open Data Explained (ODE) webinar on 9 November 2020. Open data that is accessible to governments, businesses, organisations and individuals plays a crucial role in the EU… 2021-03-19 2020-09-02 The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, a single point of access to data of the EU institutions, agencies and bodies for anyone to reuse.