Bakkafrost is one of the world's most vertically integrated salmon farming companies. Bakkafrost controls all aspects of production - from feed to finished value added products. Bakkafrost controls all aspects of production - from feed to finished value added products. This ensures unrivaled traceability and consistent high quality. Bakkafrost is committed to maintaining the highest standards in relation to fish welfare, sustainability and sound stewardship of the environment.

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bakkafrost: rÖrelseresultat 89 mln dkk 4 kv (est 124) 2020: 10: nov: bakkafrost: operationellt ebit under fÖrvÄntan 3 kv: 25: aug: bakkafrost: lÄgre operationellt ebit Än vÄntat 2 jv: 25: feb: bakkafrost: operativt rÖrelseresultat lÄgre Än vÄntat 4 kv: 2019: 2: jul: bakkafrost: slaktvolym 12.600 ton 2 kv 2020-08-25 Bakkafrost: Sustainability Report 2020; 9.4.2021 18.00 · Oslo Børs BAKKAFROST: Protocol from Annual General Meeting 9 April 2021; 9.4.2021 18.00 · Cision Bakkafrost: BAKKAFROST: Protocol from Annual General Meeting 9 April 2021; 6.4.2021 13.01 · Oslo Børs BAKKAFROST… Bakkafrost P/F. 7,237 likes · 109 talking about this · 134 were here. Bakkafrost is the leading producer of healty top quality salmon from the Faroe Islands. Bakkafrost is one of the world's most vertically integrated salmon farming companies. Bakkafrost controls all aspects of production - from feed to finished value added products. 2021-04-11 P/F Bakkafrost is a fish farming company, based in the Faroe Islands. Its main business area is aquaculture and it consists of three segments: Fish Farming; Value Added Products (VAP); and Production and Sale of Fish Meal, Oi l and Feed.

Se C25 og kurser fra danske, svenske, norske, engelske, amerikanske, hollandske, belgiske og franske markeder. Der er også investeringsværktøjer, der kan gøre dig bedre til en bedre investor på Børsen Investor. millionærklubben har Helge Larsen snakket meget om Bakkafrost, og denne aktie er også steget markant de sidste ni måneder.


Salmon farming in the Faroe Islands is the most P/F Bakkafrost is a fish farming company, based in the Faroe Islands. Its main business area is aquaculture and it consists of three segments: Fish Farming; Value Added Products (VAP); and Production and Sale of Fish Meal, Oi l and Feed. It is engaged in all production steps of sea farming, from salmon roe to harvested fish. Bakkafrost has forecast a 2021 harvest of 106,000 MT gutted weight, with 66,000 MT coming from the Faroe Islands and 40,000 MT from Scotland. It also expects to release around 14.5 million smolts in the Faroe Islands this year, compared to 14.3 million smolts in 2020, 12.7 million smolts in 2019 and 12.6 million smolts in 2018. Bakkafrost is committed to strong cooperation with local communities and authorities and hopes to stimulate employment through significant investment in the business.

Bakkafrost P/F. 7,301 likes · 28 talking about this · 155 were here. Bakkafrost is the leading producer of healty top quality salmon from the Faroe Islands. of Bakkafrost’s operation and brought new growth and de - velopment opportunities to the Group. The acquisition was made on low multiples relative to industry peers.
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FO 0000000179. Bakkafrost is one of the world’s most vertically integrated salmon farming companies. Bakkafrost controls all aspects of production – from feed to finished value added products.

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Bakkafrost P/F is a salmon producer based in the Faroe Islands. The company's activities include farming, harvesting, packaging, processing, and sales. Bakkafrost is the leading producer of top quality salmon from the Faroe Islands. We offer a wide range of healthy and nutritious salmon products from our own facilities.


Ticker Symbol. BAKKA. ISIN number. FO 0000000179. Bakkafrost is one of the world’s most vertically integrated salmon farming companies.