Joachim Gustafsson is also Artistic Leader of the Tommie Haglund Festival in Halmstad, Sweden. This is an orchestra/chamber music festival held biannually devoted to the music of Tommie Haglund. Joachim Gustafsson is a major champion for new music. As conductor and violinist he has premiered more than 200 new works. SWEDEN ARTIST MANAGEMENT EVENT SLUMÅL ÅR-2014 Företaget blir arrangör för Idols audition turne -2014 "Ekonomisk vinst skapar bättre marknadsföring" Sommaren -2013 företaget blir artist ansvarig under Diggelo-turne -2013 Företaget blir arrangör ansvarig för Ladies nights höst The Arrow Music Agency - Arrow Artist Management and Music Marketing Promotion Music Consulting serving Pop, Electronic, DJs, Indie, Rock, Country. Pop Music Agency. Country Music Agency.
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Villa Sandrew | Floragatan 4 A | S-114 31 Stockholm | Sweden | Phone: +46 8 651 05 00. Peter Jansson | Cell phone: +46 70 514 79 00 track record for developing talent, Including discovering, co managing & producing worldwide hit songwriter/vocalist John Martin (Swedish House Mafia). Swedish-born artist living in London and working in a hand-crafted style to create bold ink drawings, watercolor paintings and whimsical cut-paper artworks. Baltic Artists in Development is an artist management programme by Musikcentrum Syd (Malmö, Sweden), Music Estonia (Tallinn, Estonia) and Adam Mickiewicz Jan 8, 2021 Live Nation Entertainment's artist management revenue from 2008 to of 389.44 million US dollars managing its signed artists, up from 352.95 Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 55.701305, 13.192165. Atlas Artists Sweden is a small artist management business, located in the central part of Lund city Leading Promoter of Swedish Performing Arts, Media and Entertainment production company specialising in production management and promotion of To work with From Sweden is the best decision I've made in my 25 years as an artis The Soul Artist Management appears before the lens of photographer, Lalo Torres. Christian wears suit Tiger of Sweden, turtleneck Rick Owens, and shoes Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Exclusive Artist Management of Los Angeles, CA. Get the latest business Jan 11, 2017 The model that DEF Management offers some of its artists evolved out of had their own label set up in Sweden and, when the time was right, Jun 6, 2016 Ben Phipps, a 25-year-old electronic artist from Sweden, is managed by UCF freshman Dennis Stevens. Phipps' most popular song is "Don't Most of our relationships with music supervisors go back a decade or more, and include creative teams in the US, Canada, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Apr 3, 2008 In 2002, Karlsson became co-partner of Sweden's biggest independent tour and concert agency, United Stage Artists, staging over 2000 music management company that represents recording artists and music producers from various countries, including Sweden, Norway and The Netherlands.
Model search. OM. Artistagent är ett dotterbolag till TCM AB (Täby City Music AB), grundat i Stockholm 1995 av Håkan Krantz som har en gedigen bakgrund inom den svenska musikbranschen. Han började som säljare på CBS Records i slutet av 70-talet och arbetade sig därifrån till produktchef och sedermera marknadsdirektör på Sony Music. Artist Management Sweden AB 559096-6288 (Bromma) Översikt Telefonnummer Adresser Styrelse och koncern Verklig huvudman Nyckeltal Kreditupplysning Artist Management Sweden AB. Artist Management Sweden AB,559096-6288 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status Hitta information om Artist Management Stockholm.
See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Music Artist Management locations in Sweden, ME. Stockholm, Sweden. Call us: +46 8 441 71 10. AGENT & MANAGEMENT GROUP MM Artist Management AB - Org.nummer: 5569857476.
Atlas Artists Sweden is a small artist management business, located in the central part of Lund city
Leading Promoter of Swedish Performing Arts, Media and Entertainment production company specialising in production management and promotion of To work with From Sweden is the best decision I've made in my 25 years as an artis
The Soul Artist Management appears before the lens of photographer, Lalo Torres. Christian wears suit Tiger of Sweden, turtleneck Rick Owens, and shoes
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Exclusive Artist Management of Los Angeles, CA. Get the latest business
Jan 11, 2017 The model that DEF Management offers some of its artists evolved out of had their own label set up in Sweden and, when the time was right,
Jun 6, 2016 Ben Phipps, a 25-year-old electronic artist from Sweden, is managed by UCF freshman Dennis Stevens. Phipps' most popular song is "Don't
Most of our relationships with music supervisors go back a decade or more, and include creative teams in the US, Canada, England, France, Germany, Sweden,
Apr 3, 2008 In 2002, Karlsson became co-partner of Sweden's biggest independent tour and concert agency, United Stage Artists, staging over 2000
music management company that represents recording artists and music producers from various countries, including Sweden, Norway and The Netherlands. The exhibition features 28 Swedish and international artists who explore Economic Space Agency is a startup company in San Francisco with the aim of
12 jun 2018 Managemusic Sweden är en A&R/Management-verksamhet för som en artist behöver – bokning, management och skivbolag – så kommer vi
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Actors in Sweden is a management company, and an agency representing actors , artists, directors and screenwriters.
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Artist Management. With over 20 years experience, we provide sought after professionals for the dance music industry. Artist Management Sweden AB 559096-6288 (Bromma) Översikt Telefonnummer Adresser Styrelse och koncern Verklig huvudman Nyckeltal Kreditupplysning Nu kan du hämta data om personer, företag, telefonnummer, bostäder och fordon via API eller fil. 2021-04-01 Hitta information om Artist Management Services AB. Adress: Bergsundsgatan 12, Postnummer: 117 37. Telefon: 08-658 20 .. Contacting Network Artist Management For representation: If you are enquiring about representation please read this information first..
Artists Management Department. +41 43 255 14 48. Enquiries for Ballet and production related enquiries for Orchestras, Opera and Ballet. Kristina Chekhriy.
3:36. 28. Leif GW. Jag E PÅ. 2: 09. Apr 21, 2020 Could Covid-19 Lockdown Take the Trend Global? Half of Sweden's biggest domestic hits last year were by independent artists. Covid-19 “could Innovative Music Management är för dig som tar din musikkarriär på allvar. Träffa människor ur den etablerade musikbranschen på vår skräddarsydda kurs och Morgan Alling · Per Andersson · Sandra Andreis · Frida Argento · Anders Beckman · Björn Bengtsson · Natalie Bergqvist · Ellen Bergström · Helena Bergström proprietary technology and a world-class network of creative talent.