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With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Sirius Black Mugshot animated GIFs to your conversations. Share the best GIFs now >>> Se hela listan på fr.wikipedia.org Se hela listan på harry-potter-mischief.fandom.com Se hela listan på harry-potter-mischief.fandom.com Sirius Black was James Potter’s closest friend, Harry Potter’s godfather, and an Animagus, who was falsely accused of betrayal and murder and imprisoned in Azkaban. History Sirius Black was the elder of two boys born to an aristocratic family that was fiercely proud of its pureblood status and vehemently anti-Muggle. Unlike his younger brother Regulus and just about all of […] En el cinema, en Sirius Black apareix és interpretat per l'actor britànic Gary Oldman. El que Rowling ha dit sobre en Sirius. En Sirius era introbable, així com els llocs es fan immarcables, en Sirius era introbable.

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He comes from an old wizarding family but rejects their views that pure-blood wizards are more superior, instead fighting against Voldemort during the First Wizarding War. He is Harry’s godfather. Sirius Black, portrayed by Gary Oldman, has a height of 5'9" (1.75 m). Sirius Black became best friends with James Potter when they first began school at Hogwarts, and later he was made Godfather to Harry Potter.He was loyal to James and Lily, and would have died for them, but instead he was framed for their murder, and the murders of a dozen Muggles, by Peter Pettigrew. Sirius Black es un personaje ficticio de la saga Harry Potter, creado por la autora J.K. Rowling. Tuvo un hermano menor llamado Regulus Arcturus Black, que sucumbió a la presión de su familia y acabó enrolándose en el grupo de los Mortífagos, que eran seguidores de Voldemort.

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Get the best of Insurance or Free Credit Report, browse our section on Cell Phones or learn about Life Insurance. He also played Ludwig van Beethoven in Immortal Beloved (1994) and later appeared in franchise roles such as Sirius Black in the Harry Potter series, James Gordon in The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005–2012) and a human leader, Dreyfus in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014).

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Sirius black actor

TikTok user @martha_madden4 posted a video with the caption 'two actors I refuse to believe that  Es un actor, director, productor y guionista, de origen inglés conocido por su de las películas de Harry Potter, Oldman encarnó el personaje de Sirius Black. #1 Sirius Black From Harry Potter And Zorg From Fifth Element · #2 Mr Tumnus From Narnia And Professor X From X-Men · #3 Captain Hook From Peter Pan And  12 Nov 2015 playwright Joe Orton in “Prick Up Your Ears” (1987) and as Sirius Black from the “Harry Potter” series. Here are 50 facts about the actor. Sirius Black. 603 likes. Actor. ¡Sirius!

14 Nov 2018 However, there were several actors who were replaced along the way In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it was black actress  In 2004, Oldman returned to prominence when he landed a starring role in the Harry Potter film series, playing Harry Potter 's godfather Sirius Black.
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Sirius black actor

His character becomes prominent in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in which he is the titular prisoner, and is also revealed to be the godfather of the central character Harry Potter. He is portrayed in the film adaptations by Gar In the movies, Sirius is played by Gary Oldman, who is a fairly old actor. Since Sirius appears to be in his 40's or even 50's by the time the movies roll around, and he was imprisoned 10 years before Harry started Hogwarts, it might seem to some as if he was in his late 30's when he went through this trauma. Daniel Radcliffe is known for his role as the titular character in the " Harry Potter " movie franchise — and now he's revealed which death was the most difficult to get over. During an interview with BuzzFeed, the actor said that the death of Sirius Black (played by Gary Oldman) in "Order of the Phoenix" was the "definitely the hardest" for more than one reason.

Actor Gary Oldman Youtubers Young Sirius Black Bram Stoker's Dracula Tim Roth Ralph Fiennes British Actors Best Actor Cute Guys More information More like this Similar actors include Robert Pattinson, Michael Fassbender, and Jake Gyllenhaal. Ben Barnes was suggested to play Sirius Black in Marauders by z0uiw1np.
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Sean Bean has played  Hoy cumple 57 años el gran Gary Oldman, actor que ha interpretado a Sirius Black.pic.twitter.com/HXbMryiAkf. 13.32 - 21. mar. 2015. 68 Retweets; 204 Likes   4 Mar 2018 portrayal of Winston Churchill in the film "Darkest Hour", Gary Oldman has won the Academy Award for Best Actor!

Harry Potter Trilogy: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma

If anything, his stint in Azkaban increased his insanity and made him even more immature for his age as he got stuck with a 20-year-old’s mind in a 33-year-old’s body. Lupin, and the dearly departed Sirius Black, were both complicated father figures for Harry, gave the actor some guidance. Thewlis told Entertainment Weekly: “Alfonso Cuarón, in the

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