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Ambassadeur 6000C Jub

Próba zastąpienia tulejek łożyskami.. Buy online, view images and see past prices for 3 ABU fishing reels incl. Ambassadeur 6000 & 5000D + Svangsta-AMbassadeur. Invaluable is the world's largest marketplace for art, antiques, and collectibles.

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Abu … 2012-03-04 Once I have repaired it I plan to use it with either my Ambassadeur 5500C or the 6000C for salmon spinning or possibly pair it with a bigger 6500C3 or even a 7000C for fishing off the rocks for Pollock. Length is the only area where I think ABU could have improved on these rods. Mar 5, 2014 - Find the perfect handmade gift, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewelry, and more… lots more. Ambassadeur SX Prisvärd rulle för dig som inte vill lägga ut en förmögenhet på en multirulle.

Abu Ambassadeur - Shoppa billigt på

.cmct. $39.09. Abu-magic 120 Svangsta Garcia Reel. $27.00.

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Abu svangsta ambassadeur 6000c

Priced at £175.00. 2021-02-15 · A very hard to come by ABU Ambassadeur 5000C in 4 screw Svangsta model! It was very slightly used and there are some minor marks as you can see in the pictures. However, it was kept very clean. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ABU SVANGSTA WICKER BASKET AND REELS AND HOOKS AMBASSADEUR 6000C PENN SURFMASTER at the best online prices at eBay! Ambassadeur 5000c Abu Svangsta.

Nostalgia certainly ain’t what it used to be! 1) The three Abu 6000s.
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Abu svangsta ambassadeur 6000c


Från 1958 bytte den röda rullen namn till ABU Ambassadeur.
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K66 - Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 5000 5500 5600 Super Tune Upgrade Kit . $78.96 Sale K83 - Abu Garcia Abu Garcia 6500C3 Ambassadeur C3 Baitcast Round Reel (3 Ball-Bearing, Gear Ratio 5.3:1, Capacity 14/245) Visit the Abu Garcia Store. 4.4 out of 5 stars 62 ratings Originally a watch factory, Abu Garcia was founded in Svangsta, Sweden, near the Morrum River in 1921.

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Here you will find our vintage and more modern Abu reels for sale. Abu Ambassadeur 6000c Ostin omani joskus 90-luvun puolivälin paikkeilla, eikä ole tarvinnut hetkeäkään katua. Käytän sitä lähinnä hauen heittokalastuksessa sekä taimenen soutu-uistelussa.

all could use a cleaning. see below for condition.