Carbon footprint and energy use of Norwegian - SINTEF


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The carbon emissions from each food per kg of protein were as follows; salmon 49.3 CO2e/kg, lamb 49.1 CO2e/kg, beef 34.1 CO2e/kg, pork 26.9 CO2e/kg, eggs (free range) 15.8 CO2e/kg, tofu 15.1 CO2e/kg, eggs (intensive) 14.8 CO2e/kg and chicken 9.8 CO2e/kg. The carbon … 2012-09-04 As a reference unit for climate plans, a tonne of carbon dioxide remains an abstract notion for most of us.. What is CO 2?. Carbon dioxide is an invisible, odourless and colourless gas. This does not prevent it, like the air, from having a mass: 1,964 g/litre or 1.964 kg/m 3.These equivalents will help you understand the scales we’re talking about when discussing one tonne of CO 2: Hi Devesh, In terms of converting from kg to t: 1 kg = 0.001 metric ton, in other words, 1t = 1000 kg. We don’t convert CO2 to CO2e.

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(The kg CO2/vehicle mile average of both passenger car and light-duty truck.) Commute by Intercity Rail (Amtrak) – assumes a two way commute 245 days a year, with 0.114 kg CO2e … Denna klimatbudget visar hur mycket klimatpåverkan våra måltider kan ha för att vi ska kunna nå målet om maximalt 1,5 graders global uppvärmning. Budgeten är 11 kg koldioxidekvivalenter (CO 2 e) per vecka – sedan är det upp till alla matlagare att kreativt välja vad ni vill fylla den med. 2019-08-13 2015-08-10 2018-01-22 The use of new emissions factors, which are now included in the national greenhouse gas inventory compiled by the EPA, will see Ireland move to 1.01kg CO2e/kg FPCM. A move to protected urea will further reduce the figure to 0.91kg CO2e/kg FPCM. * All food carbon emissions are reported above in Kg of CO2e, including major greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. * Production emissions are for the production (cradle to farmgate) and any processing of quantity purchased. The carbon emissions from each food per kg of protein were as follows; salmon 49.3 CO2e/kg, lamb 49.1 CO2e/kg, beef 34.1 CO2e/kg, pork 26.9 CO2e/kg, eggs (free range) 15.8 CO2e/kg, tofu 15.1 CO2e/kg, eggs (intensive) 14.8 CO2e/kg and chicken 9.8 CO2e/kg.

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istället för ”kg CO. 2 Om 800 kWh el, och 0,125 kg CO kg CO2e). Nötkött. (110 kg.

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SEJ - 9. * Produkter från Findus i receptet: Sejfriletter, MSC, Findus 74485 CO2e. 1 kg Matrosfisk *.

Generating 1 MWh with coal leaves behind 185 pounds of coal ash. Coal ash is the solid byproduct left over after coal is burned. Every megawatt hour generated in a coal plant leaves behind 185 pounds of ash. Quorn Färs är superenkel att tillaga och en älskad storsäljare.
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2500. Kg CO2e. 2500 Kg CO2e. 2970. Kg CO2e.

This is significantly better than the world average of more than 1 kg of CO2e and even below the values of approx. 19 Feb 2019 A polyester shirt has more than double the carbon footprint of a cotton shirt (5.5 kg CO2e vs. 2.1 kg CO2e).144. One kilogram of cotton  The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of a greenhouse gas is its ability to trap extra heat in the atmosphere over time relative to carbon dioxide (CO2).
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results are also widely different with a climate impact ranging from 39 kg CO2e/ kWh to 196 kg CO2e/kWh . If. 1 an electric vehicle is using a 40 kWh battery its  The carbon footprint of the processes in Costa Rica to produce 1 kilogram of green coffee is 1.93 kg CO2e. The processes within Europe generate 3.05 CO2e/ kg  “Carbon dioxide equivalent” or “CO2e” is a term for describing different CO2 can be expressed as 0.27kg of carbon, as this is the amount of carbon in the CO2 .

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kg 0.48 Material Non Iron metal Zinc Zinc v. kg 3.86 Material Other Battery&pile Battery Alkaline kg 0.07 Material Other Battery&pile Battery NiCd kg 0.21 Material Other Battery&pile Battery 2018-06-25 Periodisk läcksökning. Tidigare krav om läcksökning vid fyllnadsmängder 3, 30 och 300kg byts mot 5, 50 och 500 ton Co2-ekvivalent. 5 ton co2e = 1,3 kg R404a | 2,4 kg R410A | 3,5 kg R134a. Gäller från och med 1 januari 2017.

Vi rekommenderar att servera dem som raggmunkar med créme fraiche och äppelmos eftersom det balanserar upp pepprigheten i kålroten. kg CO2e/kg potatis i butik (påse) Förpackning och distribution Primärproduktion. Potatisens klimatavtryck-från vagga till påse i butik King Edward, 45 ton 2012-09-04 · E.g. 1kg of CO 2 can be expressed as 0.27kg of carbon, as this is the amount of carbon in the CO 2.